+27 31 705 4707 info@dilex.co.za

Recycling Oil & Effluent Water

Dilex Purification

One litre of used oil can contaminate one million litres of water.

Each year millions of litres of used motor oil are improperly disposed of, which results in the contamination of lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater supplies. 

Recycling the motor oil from just one oil change can help protect one million litres of drinking water!  In addition, the used motor oil from your engine can take on a second “life” through re-use as a fuel for burners and in power plants. This can support the conservation of natural resources and help protect our environment.

At Dilex Purification, we believe that recycling oil now will help preserve the earth for future generations. With the amount of crude oil being pumped now, one has to wonder what the earth will be like in 100 years time. Recycling can help bring down the need for crude oil to be pumped, thereby saving earth’s resources.

Recycling Oil & Effluent Water

Dilex Purification

One litre of used oil can contaminate one million litres of water.

Each year millions of litres of used motor oil are improperly disposed of, which results in the contamination of lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater supplies. 

Recycling the motor oil from just one oil change can help protect one million litres of drinking water!  In addition, the used motor oil from your engine can take on a second “life” through re-use as a fuel for burners and in power plants. This can support the conservation of natural resources and help protect our environment.

At Dilex Purification, we believe that recycling oil now will help preserve the earth for future generations. With the amount of crude oil being pumped now, one has to wonder what the earth will be like in 100 years time. Recycling can help bring down the need for crude oil to be pumped, thereby saving earth’s resources.

We Want Your Used Oil & Effluent Water

Dilex Purification collects, receipts and processes liquid wastes such as industrial oils including hydraulic oil, transformer oil, gear oil, cooking oil, etc.

We also collect, receipt and treat effluent water.

Request a collection

Let us know where and when we can collect used oil or effluent water from your premises!

Collect and Process

As authorized re-refiners / regenerators of industrial oils, Dilex receives and collects and processes the oils to back within spec for re-use by the client, drastically reducing oil spend.

Disposal Certificates

Issuing of Disposal Certificates for all disposals performed in line with the Act.


Dilex has the capacity to process and properly dispose of industrial liquid wastes including effluent water.


Collection and receipt of used industrial oils for disposal or processing can be performed per order; on a contractual basis, or in line with the client’s requirements.

Cost Effective

Our unique service offering allows us to perform a one-stop service for the client, from the collection of liquid wastes to disposal or resupply; maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs.

Professional affiliations and strategic associations
ISO 9001 | ISO 14001 | Mangosuthu University of Technology | Transnet Pipelines Enterprise Supplier Development Programme | Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry | SEESA | Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority | The ROSE Foundation | Fetola Business Growth Professionals | SAWIC Registration | Durban Chemicals Cluster: Member

Certificates and Permits
Scheduled trade permit in terms of section 1 of the scheduled trade & occupation bylaws of the Ethekwini Municipality.
Discharge of Trade Effluent in terms of Section 4/1 of the Ethekwini Municipality sewerage disposal bylaw | Waste storage permit | Authorization in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 1998 and Section 7 of the National Environmental Management Act of 2004 | Authorized Hazardous Waste Generator | Authorized to perform Regeneration or Rejuvenation of Waste | Waste Storage Permit | BBB-EE Level 1

SAIS Business Innovations: Best Environmental Sustainability Solution

recycle used oil
collect old oil durban
dilex purification pinetown
sell old used oil


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Toyota Manufacturing

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Toyota Tsusho

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Total SA

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Spill Tech

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Treatment & Recycling of Liquid Waste Streams

Drizit Environmental

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Bidvest Tank Terminals

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Scribante Group

Treatment & Recycling of used oil filters

+27 31 705 4707

5B Henred Road, New Germany, KwaZulu-Natal

PO Box 276, New Germany, KwaZulu-Natal, 3610